Trademark registration in Bangladesh
Registration and proper administration of Trademarks are a mandatory pre requisite for safe and fair business and trade practice in an economy. In Bangladesh the office of Registrar of Design, Patent and Trademarks under the direct supervision of Ministry of Industry is responsible for registration and other business related to Trademarks. The office is headed by a Registrar who is a Joint Secretary of Government of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. The current Registrar is Mr. Md Sanwar Hossain. The application process for a TM is not very cumbersome. A completed application in prescribed form which contains the mark, along with a PoA in prescribed form, incorporation certificate/ Trade license of the applicant company, any registration of TM in foreign country and the prescribed government fees shall have to be filed. A few copies of photocopy of the entire set of documents shall also be filed. Once the application is duly filed an application number shall be provided. Afterwards the Examiner of the relevant class shall examine and compare the mark and if satisfied shall propose for the TM to be advertised in the journal. Once the TM application is published in journal and 60 days have been passed and in case no one has file any objection the TM registration certificate shall be provided upon payment of required government fees. In simple terms this is the basic procedure for filling TM application in Bangladesh.
Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh
Head of Chambers
S Hossain & Associates Law Office
A law firm in Bangladesh.